JavaScript 教程 目录

JavaScript Window

The window object in JavaScript represents the browser window that contains the document. It is the global object in client-side JavaScript and provides access to various browser-related properties and methods.

Accessing the Window Object

You can access the window object in JavaScript using the global window keyword. For example:


This will output the window object in the console, showing all its properties and methods.

Window Properties

The window object has many properties that provide information about the browser window. Some of the commonly used properties include:

  • window.innerHeight: Returns the inner height of the browser window.
  • window.innerWidth: Returns the inner width of the browser window.
  • window.location: Returns the current URL of the window.
  • window.navigator: Returns information about the browser and the user's system.

Window Methods

The window object also has several methods that allow you to interact with the browser window. Some of the commonly used methods include:

  • window.alert(): Displays an alert box with a message.
  • window.confirm(): Displays a dialog box with a message and OK/Cancel buttons.
  • window.prompt(): Displays a dialog box that prompts the user for input.

Working with Windows and Frames

In addition to the window object, JavaScript also provides the method to open a new browser window or tab. For example:

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This will open a new tab with the URL

You can also access and manipulate frames within a browser window using the window.frames property. For example:

--- ----- - -----------------
----------------------------------------- - ------------

This will set the background color of the first frame in the window to light blue.


The window object in JavaScript provides access to various properties and methods that allow you to interact with the browser window and control its behavior. Understanding how to work with the window object is essential for building dynamic and interactive web applications.

上一篇:JavaScript RegExp 对象
下一篇:JavaScript Window Screen